SAVE THE DATE • MAY 7, 2011 • 1:00 P.M.
additional information will be forthcoming at a later date.

"“The scene of this [event] is on a high mountain.  There are indeed, many higher; there are many of a nobler outline.  It is no place of pilgrimage for the summary globe-trotter; but to one who lives upon its sides, Mount Saint Helena soon becomes a center of interest.”
- Robert Louis Stevenson, from Silverado Squatters

On May 7, 1911, the residents of the Napa Valley joined historians and naturalists to partake in the celebration of the place where Robert Louis Stevenson ‘squatted’ back in 1880.  The Silverado Mining town was long gone as was the bunkhouse in which RLS and his new wife Fanny had their honeymoon.  Thus, to honor the great Scottish author and his book "Silverado Squatters," a monument was resurrected.

This year is the 100th anniversary of the installation of this monument on Mount St. Helena, and the Napa Valley State Parks Association in conjunction with the Robert Louis Stevenson Silverado Museum hope that you will help us celebrate!  On Saturday, May 7, we will be holding a Re-dedication Ceremony at the sight of the historic monument in RLS State Park.  The 1:00pm event will feature words from notable locals and Stevenson scholars alike, and will be followed by a reception catered by the Silverado Brewing Company.  There will also be guided hikes to the nearby historic places discussed in Stevenson’s book!    

Whether you want to climb to the top of the mountain, or simply celebrate history and literature at the base of the trail, we invite you to help us honor Robert Louis Stevenson.


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